An e-mail conversation today shed some light on the evolution of my soul. For that I am entirely grateful. You know how when something happens to you in life that you feel is unfair, then later on after the lesson is learned you are clear about the reasons why? Then you can't doubt that it was for the best? I had a moment like that today. I was explaining a situation to someone and a lightbulb clicked. I whispered a tiny prayer and shushed it out to the great wide Open. {I almost burst with glee.} I am healing a deep wound. It feels great. We are all in charge of these things. Repeated mistakes are by grand design-instead of playing victim, turn it around to your advantage. {Have I told you I'm a warrior? I fight the good fight.}
My daughter had her own soul evolution today. We worked through it, but she is hurting. Only time will help her. After our chat we watched the Olympic women's hockey. (I explained to her that the USA team were crying because they wanted the gold medal, not the silver. She thinks they will come to love the silver in time, and she is right. She states: "Getting to the Olympics period is an achievement! They should be proud!" What a kid.)
Ah Petra. I'm on my way. I relish seeing my good friend Tara again. That globe trotting, head-squarely-on-her-shoulders good friend of mine. I am fortunate & count my blessings to be able to see her in such a culture rich & beautiful setting. I'll check my CMB¹ tomorrow for Susanna's *winged messengers*. I only check my mail once every week or so, it is the height of laziness I assure you. Tomorrow being the last mail day before I go, I'm hoping they will fly right out of the CMB to greet me with open wings! Pictured above are the wings Susanna sent me before. I just love how they photograph. If you follow me on FB², then you will have to check in and see any photos I post for you. Wishing you well on your own soul journeys, both spiritual & physical. Navigating this stuff can be challenging. I know we can do it. {With each others help of course. For how else can great things be achieved?}
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Is suffering really necessary? Yes and no.
If you had not suffered as you have, there would be no depth to you as a human being, no humility, no compassion. You would not be reading this now. Suffering cracks open the shell of ego, and then comes a point where it has served his purpose.
Suffering is necessary until you realize it is unnecessary.
*Eckhart Tolle*
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