Winter brings with it a sleepyness that I find irresistable.
Mid afternoon when I can get away with it of course, I love to nap. Even a twenty minute one will do. To stop and close the lids over my weary eyes makes me so happy happy.
I never ever check my blog stats but today I peeked in there out of natural human curiosity and I found that someone was led to my blog after they typed in a search for "unusual Earth magic". Funny, huh?
Okay so I suppose I do check my blog stats. Otherwise how would I have known someone Bing-ed unusual Earth magic? It would of course have to have been...magic!
That would make an excellent blog name. Or even a great name for a book! Hmmm, maybe I'll write it myself. :)
xox Happy days and unusual magic is wished upon you this fine Friday evening.
oh, and another thing...two years ago, while meeting my gorgeous friend in NYC for a weekend...I went to see All My Sons on Broadway, starring Katie Holmes, John Lithgow, Dianne Wiest and Patrick Wilson (the same gent who stars in Morning Glory with our darling Canadian actress Rachel McAdams...and subsequently the above video I linked.)... I was 3rd row center. I saw the beads of sweat on John Lithgow's brow. I was alone because I was yet to meet my friend until the next morning, yet I was not. I was enveloped in a world where I was swallowed up and taken in, the theatre. My hubby texted me during the intermission..."How's it Lithgow-ing?" he inquired. Sheepishly I answered him, "Oh so fabulously." I thought I was there to see the beautiful and talented Katie Holmes (who did a phenomenal job btw...loved her...) Another funny and kooky aside...I got lost on the way to the theatre. The yellow cab dropped me off God-knows-where in Midtown was snowing lightly. I got out and wandered in to the next building and do you know what building it was?
The Church of Scientology Centre. On 46th. I was supposed to be at the theatre on 45th. They kindly directed me, with a sly smile of course. Because I said to the girl at the desk, "Where is the Katie Holmes play?"
"Through the concourse there it will take you to 45th. You can't miss it!" she says.
After the fact, I thought..."How odd. Tom Cruise...Scientologist. Katie Holmes...?" Hello. Fill in the blanks.
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