Inside an old church they are restoring at the Citadel, Amman, Jordan. March 2010
I have to say I attract in the most brilliant and gifted people. I'm so very lucky. Now as a result of this meeting, great things are going to happen! Isn't life a gift? I'm so jazzed about it, that I'm scribbling notes..ideas..and thoughts quicker than my hand can write.
I sat in a "reflection" park today, amidst the flowers, underneath a giant pine tree that was strung with fairy lights and words carved in stone set randomly about {empathy, responsibility, integrity...}...and I simply journalled to my heart's content. Don't you just love it when ideas flow through you like that, as though you were some divine vessel of the Universe itself? Wait, I am a divine vessel through which the Universe speaks. So are you! You already knew that, I hope.
I love my little journal, it is from a small press and was a gift from a friend. In there I have story ideas, lists of things I need....BlackBerry...Macbook Air....paper lanterns...purple candles...cardamom tealights...white get the idea. It is also full of reminders and poetry and quotes. Journals are chunks of life in a small contained space. Microcosm's if you will.
I'll leave you now with the most beautiful thought which I will get to after I set the scene; for 33 years I've had a close friend and just recently her classy and caring mother passed away quite suddenly. We did the most incredibly honourable thing- we wildly scattered her ashes in a private lake side ceremony that was replete with skipping stones, picking flowers and reading poetry while mourning doves cooed at us directly overhead in the old tree by the water. Children chased frogs, we cried and remembered, and suddenly I felt that there is no such thing as time. I was seven years old again, in the company of this funny and wonderful friend of mine. It is enchanting how symbolic it is to set someone free to the four winds, up the ashes fly and then they indeed scatter in the wind, very mystically. After a deep breath, "Mum go be free!" my friend cried, as she threw the ashes into the air. Then later, "She would have loved that," my friend tells me. I agreed.
Funny how a sad time can connect people together in such a poignant way. I felt so happy and honoured to have been included in their sacred and private occasion. To them I say...thank you. To you I say, that is all for today. xo
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