I am greeting you from my desk on my day off. Ahem. (Pardon me, while I finish laughing....day off, that's a good one! lol!!!) Well, a day at home to do my "home" work. Groceries in particular, which by the way, make me a little nutty anyways but in particular, when I return home to my new box of clementines that are going off (yes, I checked them, it was the bottom layer!) only to lay eyes on this gorgeous post full of fresh and delicious adventures...including a roadside orange purchase that would make any fruit lover envious. I seriously don't get how they can make it all the way from Morocco to Canada and still be tasty. It defies logic. I should know better!
I am excited because a fortune from a fortune cookie from dinner the other night reads:
"A cheerful letter or message is on its way to you."
Really? Oh my!!! Could this be because I begged happiness & love in the form of a postcard from you the other day? This could be exciting!! Can't wait. Like I said before, I will post pictures and quotes from the postcards when they arrive in the New Year. I want to then pass the torch to a willing participant, who in turn could do the same...you see? How lovely this could be???
Lastly, but not leastly, my friend Steve from Greenleaf Wood Studios dropped off a gift I ordered the other day. Steve and I reconnected through a social networking site and so technically have known each other for the better part of 30 years. Steve is a generous person, funny & has many interests including his woodworking studio. He is a married father of two gorgeous girls, and had more fun at DisneyWorld recently than they did, I'm sure. (insert grin here!) So, that said, I paid Steve for the *secret Santa* gift I ordered through him, (because I like to support the handmade, people). Then surprise, he drops into my hand this, a gift for me;
It is heavy, green, and he made it himself (not sure what kind of wood it is), and a joy to write with. It is my new favourite pen, and no, I won't be lending it out...sorry. If you want your own one of a kind pen, or bowl, or pepper mill...visit Steve for yourself. Thank you Steve, and Merry Christmas to you and your family! xo
P.S. Steve blogs right here, he is a feel-good, wood turning, martial arts kind of guy. He likes to swing a sword in his downtime. Do pay him a holiday visit! Thanks and much love to you all.
Before I go, some gratitude:
1. Turkish delight and those who eat it!!
2. When I discover new blogs written by funny people!
3. The silhouette family generator! So much fun, thanks Randi xo
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