I decided to look back in my archives {mess is more like it, ha ha!} to see what was happening "photographically speaking" a year ago today. It looks as though I was out with my camera at a local park at dusk, photographing peonies & dandelions & roses.
It had rained that day, and I remember the light as the sun was going down and wanting to zip out quickly with my camera. I froze. The weather was very cool, much cooler than it is this time this year. {Currently suffering a heat wave at the moment.}
I thought as I uploaded this picture about what was troubling me a year ago. Things that now I likely can barely remember and yet I'm sure at the time they stressed me out to no end. The time and energy wasted on worrying about these things stays with me and yet the little 'problems' do not. They in fact escape my memory altogether.
So, if this is true, and if it is true of most 'things' or 'problems', hadn't we best hold out for clear skies and not let it bother us so much? Could we wait a little longer, until whatever it is has burned off like the fog under a bright morning sun? Maybe like my dear wise mother says, we need to ask ourselves, "Will this matter one year from now?" If the answer to that is yes then by all means employ the help of family and friends to see you through. If the answer is no however, then shouldn't we let go of it? Allow the answer to come? Allow the happiness in despite ourselves? There is a power in letting go of control. Most would argue the opposite but truly I beg of you to try this. Let go. Let go of worry, sadness. Embrace a new day. If this is hard for you then simply reach out and ask for an opinion, a hug or a solution.
The troubles of last year simply faded away and I'm still standing. {Faced with a whole new set but that is besides the point.} I'll take my own advice and see what happens.
Dream on...xoxo
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