"It came without ribbons. It came without tags. It came without packages, boxes or bags. And he puzzled and puzzled ’till his puzzler was sore. Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn’t before. What if Christmas, he thought, doesn’t come from a store. What if Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more?"
If you live in a mansion or a shoe.
If you live in the mountains, the woods or a canoe.
I wish you all from the heart of my hearts-
A very Merry Christmas full of bright new starts!
So put down that package, you know the one.
And look round the corner for something more fun.
You have the choice;
You know what to do.
This jelly bean mantra is written expressly for YOU.
The Zen of this day exists well inside;
Choosing happy right NOW is bursting with pride.
So one present, two present, three or none
Christmas is much more than that sweet hon.
From one humble gal who writes little stream of consciousness poems, to you and yours.
p.s. New year, new blog...
I'll come find you!
EDIT: Nevermind! I love this humble blog so much, I refuse to abandon it. I shall nurture it to its full potential. Forget what I said earlier. I'm not leaving. I refuse to leave. Let's pop some popcorn and chat about this awhile, shall we? xo
p.s.s. I'd also like to thank my niece for leaving one of her gifts behind yesterday, it enabled me to photograph it (the candle holding meditation hand). Try leaving goblets of jelly beans around the house, it really colours and sweetens up the environs. ;)
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