The crushed Coke can.
The half-eaten PopTart.
What do these two things have in common? {Besides not being very poetic?}
Both of those aforementioned items grace my vehicle at this very moment.
The funny thing is, upon putting the van in park tonight in my driveway at 9:25pm, after having been up since 6:37am, the funny thing is I gave them a sideways look and then totally ignored them to come in the house and pour a glass of red wine.
My inner critic shrieking, "Go back! Get the can! The tart! Don't leave that trash in the car!"
Now I'm not sure what it is- is it more symptomatic of my life these days or just plain old disgusting-the fact that I even have Coke and Pop Tarts in my home?
Surely there is no flock of starlings alighting on my Coke can. There is no deep sigh for the Pop Tart.
What there is however, is authenticity.
I dig that so much.
This evening, whilst shopping at 9pm for my supper {an avocado, hot mustard, field greens, prosciutto} a man wandered about the store (one of many solo males, no kidding! what is that? and me! ha ha!) in paint-stained dungarees, and a painters cap (love those).
He browsed as long as I did. He picked things up. He put things down. He sighed. He hummed, he thought deeply.
I whipped around the store, thinking of this to buy, or that to get, or I really want this....
When I found my attention being inexplicably drawn back to this man every so often. It was like he was a beacon, a lesson, a choice-point in my life. This man, was put here specifically as a message for me.
He was put here for me to learn how to exercise generosity; because you see he left without buying anything.
There may be any number of reasons why he did that.
He could have lost his appetite.
He could be sad for a phone call he had with his wife earlier, that ended in a fight.
He could be broke.
Unable to afford even a small meal.
My wish this Thanksgiving (Happy Thanksgiving to my beautiful American friends) is for generosity to extend beyond donating money, or even food. My wish is for all of us to give, of ourselves. To simply go where you are needed and do what is needed for you to do, or say, or act upon...etc.
What should have occured was this: I should have had the wherewithall to approach this man and just ask him straight up.
What is wrong?
Do you need money?
A listening ear?
Every cell in my being told me something was wrong with this man. Something needed fixing. And yet. I ignored the feeling. Kind of like I ignore the things I don't have the patience for or the time to deal with {uh...Coke can? Pop tart?}
And after all, are we not all just human? Yes. But so are so many others who suffer. What if your power to alleviate the suffering of another led that one to alleviate the suffering of just one more. And so on. Do you think that you could change the world? You could. Indeed. One good know the saying.
So think of your basic needs. Are they met? Great! If not, would it thrill you to have a total stranger read your mind based on your demeanor and offer you a way out of that void? Methinks the answer is unequivocally YES.
Can I issue an informal challenge of sorts? Would you do me the favour next time the urge strikes you to help someone, would you do it? Then blog about it? I will too. xo
You must be the change you wish to see in the world. ~ Gandhi. {One heck of an amazing guy.}
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