I love modern technology. Just when you think I'm home posting to Typepad, swooosh!!! I'm actually doing other things. Typepad is wonderful enough to allow blog updates that are timed. So very, very cool. I should use this feature all the time.
So, now instead of blogging on a Friday night I can write to you when things are fresh and lovely and then just time them to magically appear on Friday night. Friends of mine have used this feature for years but not I. Nope. I learn the difficult way.
Shown above is a lovely market in Amman, the Al Afghani Bazaar. Lots of treasures to be found there, be sure to load up on sweets when in Jordan...there is a ton to choose from. Rugs woven by hand in the Bani Hamida mountains, gold and more gold in the souks, also there are these tiny drippy little sweet honey encrusted pastry thingies that will make you lose your mind. Of course, as shown above, lots and lots of boho-ish Gypsy-ish Bedouin antique silver jewelery. But, you needn't spend anything there. The best treasure is to be found by using your eyes, ears and heart when in Jordan. No money required.
THIS is very cool, it's practically magic too. Instagram + Blurb= Instant LOVE <3 I am excited to get started on making my first book. I have so many Instagram shots that I love, and after sending Postagram's to all and sundry this gives me a new outlet with which to torture friends and family! I'll show you the results when they are in! Exciting!!
OH! and last but most certainly not least, a simple cupcake recipe that is sure to dazzle you beyond your wildest dreams. Have a sweet weekend. xo
Light As Air Magic Cupcakes
2 eggs 1/2 cup sugar 1/2 cup margarine 1/2 cup self-rising flour
Oven to 350, put ingredients all into a big beautiful bowl. Double this recipe for 24 cupcakes, it only makes 12. Whip it all together with your wire whisk, until smooth as smooth can get. Line cupcake tins with paper liners, fill each half full with the cupcake mixture. Bake 18 to 20 minutes until golden. Springs back to the touch when done. Cool and decorate with lots of sweet goodies, or just ice to perfection. Buttercream works nicely.
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