My wish{es} for you today:
That you be happy.
That you be fed.
That you be loved.
That you be carefree!
That you be reckless & wild (for it is so much fun to forgo responsibility every now and then, we all have an inner child to nurture.)
That you be surrounded by warmth.
That you listen to loud music of your choosing.
That if you need a hug, someone gives you one unconditionally. (Twelve a day, is essential for life. My friend Cate is a huge hugging advocate, and says that the first four fuel you for survival, the remaining eight balance you and maintain twelve is of utmost importance!)
That if you are alone and sad that you only look up to a shining star and know that I am thinking of you. Yes, I am thinking of YOU. What could be nicer? (Will you return the favour?)
That you be at peace with your decisions today.
That you put yourself first, and then subsequently put others first in order of importance. Life triage. Decipher who needs you most and GO! Giving of yourself makes you feel great.
That you accept someone new and annoying into your life because they are likely there to teach you something.
That you let it roll. (Water off a duck's back.)
That you forgive. (Who cares? A year from now, will this truly matter? If no, then let it go....)
That you challenge yourself to something new...a language, a new road trip, a new "look" (some of us are still wearing the same old clothes we always did, distinguish yourself and redefine yourself, and DON'T care what others say about it....)
That you join a society...or a guild....or a brotherhood. We all need to belong somewhere.
That you try preparing a new food. Seriously, no one wants your "famous" meatloaf anymore!
That you do your body & mind a favour tomorrow morning and s t r e t c h before you do anything else.
That you buy a coffee press, and indulge in one of the finer tastes on the planet. French press coffee.
That if you aren't a coffee person, go out and treat yourself to a soy chai latte at Starbuck's. (Not an endorsement, just a personal fave. Go for extra foam and cinnamon.)
That if you haven't been in awhile, go dancing!! Shake your bootie! Or is that, booty? Either way, just go shake it cause that is why you were given it. For real. I wouldn't steer you wrong.
That if you have to let someone down, do it gently. For what goes around comes around we all know that. (No, I am NOT driving the bitter bus! lol)
That you trust. That is all. That is a tough one, for those of you who have been let down. Get over it.
That you send me a postcard. My address is 215 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario L1H 1C5. That you say something nice to me on that card to make my day. I will then share the results here on this little blog for all the world to see. You will be part of a really good "feel good" project and then we'll pass the torch and YOU may be next to get postcards. Yes, this is fun. Do it. Oh and if you do and you are on Facebook then I shall add you. Oh yes, how much fun is this? We are starting a real party here...!
That you wish a darling girl a Happy Birthday! today...yes, today. She rocks. Though she be speechless. Hard to believe
That you....have a wonderful weekend.
My gratitude list:
1. Harissa sauce.
2. New York City!
3. Will Farrell.
No links today. You don't need the extra work. Know that you are treasured beyond measure when you gaze up at our star system and know KNOW that you aren't alone here in the cosmos. For don't we all want to just be part of something bigger, and better than ourselves? Oh yes. We do.
Much love, happy happy! xoxo
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