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August 01, 2011


Sherry Smyth

I love learning new things...like "white rabbit" (which I will now have to wait until September to do...please ask youngest to make and market post it notes with this reminder!)..and I love that we are learning this from an 11 year old wise woman.

Rain? Thunder? That didn't make it this far west but I was in Whitby yesterday and there were some mighty ominous clouds!

I did chuckle at the littlest one though -- shouting before she fell back to sleep...she was determined to remember. As for the fan on to drown out the noise? Both my boys did that as children -- it was how they went to sleep every night -- they just became so attuned to that "hum".

Gillian daSilva

yes! white noise! love the fans for that :)
we were hit hard, the rain drops were so big they hit the house like baseballs. for a second i thought it was hail...but it wasn't. just big old fat rain.


What a beautiful post Gillian! I'd never heard of the "white rabbit" superstition, I may pack it up and take it out for September. :)

Gillian daSilva

Thank you! While I'm not usually superstitious, I am a believer in manifestation so every little intention helps. Whispered or hollered...I'll make my own path.



Brilliant! And Mary Oliver - yes - I saw her speak not so long ago, and after she read The Journey, everyone in the audience just sighed. It was one of the most magical moments of my life.


thank you so much Blue for introducing Mary Oliver. i searched and found 'bone' and i loved the way she plays with language 'at the edges of knowing'... brilliant, but in a soulful, diffused sense of way :)

yes, it is the poet's touch to bring that we often overlook, and children also do the same. they make us look at our mundane lives in such a new, magical way! now i'll also wait for September to start with the 'white rabbit' :)

and yes, you must have had some good karma to be gifted with these beautiful kids in your life!

as always, love reading your posts, some more than others :D

love you -adee


hi sweetness!
i SO think i need this book.

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