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July 26, 2011



oh gillian this is such a loving post.
it makes my heart warm.


Hi Gillian. I love it! Memories are what keeps us going. I have two cups with cowboys and horses on the. Thick, heavy and a light tan with the cowboys attire in browns. Awesome and a lot of memories involved. The chocolate sounds great and I love the use of the cayenne. Have a great Wednesday and hold those memories close to you.;)

urban muser

great shot for the 52 photos prompt. love the whole post.


Wonderful shot! I love the story of the mug and thanks for including the recipe. I will most definitley be trying it once this humidity lets me breathe a bit. :)Thank you for sharing! Lovely post.


Such lovely memories held in this mug.
Beautiful, my friend!
And a recipe?! I will try it for sure.


great story, lovely picture


I had a special mug for hot chocolate when I was a little girl. Mine was a bunny rabbit. Verrrrry good memory.


Your Mom sounds like me..LOL. The "everything must go" phase is one that characterizes me very well. Beautiful story and thank you for the recipe!

Gillian daSilva

Well you would know. You are the master of making people feel that way. Love you girl. xo

Gillian daSilva

Gloria you had me at cowboys...:) But. Mugs, walls, or homes...if any could talk we'd be so wise. SO wise. I do hold them close, thanks honey. xo

Gillian daSilva

Muser you are one to talk, I love your shots. I am aiming at getting back to being a better blogger. So much happening and I neglect my favourite medium? Ridiculous! xo

Gillian daSilva

I live in fear daily ( not cool ) that this mug will drop and break. Whenever I take it out of the cupboard I am doubly sure to be careful...like it contains the frickin Ark of the Covenant or something!
Strange how we give objects power. This one is merely a reminder...but I would hate to lose it.

Gillian daSilva

Everyone and their dog has a recipe for Mexican Hot Chocolate which is what this is but you know...each one is a slight different from the next so you really have to try them all to find the blend that is right for you.
Do you like new recipes? ;)

Gillian daSilva

thanks a mil.
i'm a beginner, and if you have tips please share :)

Gillian daSilva

As a small child I had no mug but a small purple chair my father made for me. He was an upholsterer. Still is, by technicality. So. I had the chair. I don't have it anymore but he made my eldest daughter a purple chair and now that is her legacy. She and I talk of him opening his own children's furniture store, but no. He won't go for it. Sadly.

Gillian daSilva

We are from a long Looonnnnng line of chuckers. We are minimalists. We don't even know it. We think we love shit.
Then we ditch it to make room for Zen.
Then we acquire once more.
Hey, at least we are at peace with it! Easy come, easy go. It's the "go" I love as much as the "buy".
Cyclic madness of the shopping type.

Sherry Smyth

Denby! Of course two of those would have cost your mother a week's salary in 67 or 68 -- but they are sturdy and strong and hold the heat so well. And mustard is so "in" right now (just like it was in the late 60s!). Your cocoa sounds divine and I'm sure there are some wonderful stories that your wee mug could tell!

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