Look at this clam shell strawberry the size of my hand! I ate it and about three others, dipped in sparkly crystalline sugar. Yes sugar. I love sugar. What else can I say? To me sugar is rather cosmic like minuscule twinkly stars. I suppose I need the energy as I am lacking sleep lately.
I'm sleeping rarely, as work takes precedent these days and so does yard work, reading, telephone conversations, glasses of Australian merlot with friends, and being (really being) with the children. So I stumble into bed usually after midnight or long after knowing full well I have to get up at 6:30 am. Why am I so nuts? Not sure. It is my new goal be in bed well before midnight beginning this Strawberry Moon, which is June 15th. Sometimes it is referred to as the Planting Moon. Methinks I shall create a full moon vision board to bring about the desired changes in my life. Yes I shall.
Did you know in certain parts of Italy the natives used to sleep with garlic between their toes to ensure they had a good sleep? Years ago I would douse a cotton ball with essential oil of lavender and put it in my pillowcase...that is a good remedy for sleep. I also used a lavender & eucalyptus essential oil blend that I would mist all over my sheets so I could breathe in the smell as I drifted off...
These days I prefer ritual; as it seems to work magic in helping me drift off into a soporific state with ease. I love the hot bath, the juicy book, the Earl Grey. Meditation is the cherry on the cake.
Wishing you all the things that energize you and bring you LOVE, such as a well made Frozen Hot Chocolate, garlic on your plate instead of between your toes and soporific strawberry dreams.
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