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June 22, 2011



I love that you've got a feather for your image. Love that. Love this true, true post.

The night after my mom went into the hospital, a few hours before they moved her to ICU, she called me. 1:30 in the morning. Hysterical, unable to breath, nurses paying no attention. I have this stupid panic disorder & felt a huge anxiety attack coming, but I had to go, so I took my meds & found my way to Facebook, thinking to spend a few moments trying to calm down. By then it was almost 2 a.m. And one of my closest online friends was up and on FB also. Chatting with her brother. She talked to me & waited with me until I felt able to leave the house, she & her brother said a prayer for me.

I often think of leaving FB, it often drives me nuts, but I remember that night and the true friendship & love that was waiting there, and I stay.

Insert gushing over this blogpost right here. Cause I am.


Preeti Shenoy

Well said! I so agree!
My blog has really given me the opportunity to travel and meet people with whom I have formed heartfelt, sincere and genuine connections.

At the end of the day, the virtual world is as real as you want it to be!


mmm.... love your writing...your heart... your view on life!
and yes! it is what it is. sometimes we have a connection with someone, and sometimes we don't. I love blogging because the people i connect with truly sees me for me. it is honest, not pretending to be someone you are not, and utterly heartwarming to know that your friend really see you. was it not for the internet, Darlene (living in Edmonton Canada), would not have been able to found out if her parents' house burnt down... i live in cape town, south africa, and my dad lives in her parent's town, she sent me their address, he had a look and i could tell her their house was still standing... the world is sooo small...and reachable... mmmm... connection... i think that is what it is for me... connection... xx


It's another way to communicate and connect. There is also something spiritual about cyber space. Ya know? While I do love positive feedback it's more about sharing the love.
Oh and I do love you and yours
dearest ones.

devil mood

Gillian, I've missed you! Didn't know you were in this address until Preeti linked me to this post. Actually went to your old address recently but found an empty page.
Great post, pretty sure we can all relate to what you say there.

Sherry Smyth

though we live fairly close to one another, I never would have met you if it hadn't been for the internet. ♥

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