The other night I had a lucid and vivid dream. My eldest daughter and I were hiking through Amman...not through the bustling streets or city centers but in the hills. And there were trees. So many towering trees.
In fact, it was a forest that did not exist really in Amman. But such was my dream. I was photographing the trees with her; they were immense. Some over 400 feet high. I recall being spoken to by some unseen voice, a voice that wanted to know why exactly I thought it was okay for this forest to be cut down. I couldn't put into words why I felt that, I only knew that it would be okay.
My opinions were met with disdain, I was scolded. Chastised. Made fun of for my views. {I didn't let it faze me. Really. I kept doing what I was doing. The opinions of others met with my immunity. Such a lovely, empowering feeling.}
I kept hiking until I discovered I had lost my camera equipment. Including my iPhone, which is also, by the way, a camera of it's own right.
We kept up our search for the cameras while we hiked through these trees. Looking up gave us vertigo...the trees were so overwhelming. Then there was some immediate danger. The trees were going to be cut down and we were right in the middle of it all. I told Olivia not to worry; that to have faith that all would work out fine. We'd be safe, that much I knew.
A short while later we then discovered lush and fertile crops were growing right where the trees had been cut down; and in numerous stacks the trees were tied together in neat little bundles.
The unseen voice returned. It told me I had been right all along. It also told me to look in my purse. I opened it up to see my camera equipment had been there the entire time.
I pondered this dream for days. I consulted the oracle. Then I consulted my best friend who gave me the perfect interpretation. She was 100% correct. I'll sum up her analysis by telling you this:
I believe in myself. I've had people who would disagree with the way I do things. They talk, they snicker. They think what they want to's their drama. I don't deal with other people's drama well, I never have. I like to worry about what I'm doing. So that said, initially the overwhelmment I felt resulted in me doubting my abilities. Doubting myself. A darkness came over me in the form of fear. Ridicule. Anxiety. And sticking to what I believed in, a fruitfulness ensued. A ripe time of fruition was available to me. I was, for lack of a better word-"proven" right.
So naysayers, excuse me while I go harvest my crops. I'm not searching anymore. I've got all I need. It's (the light, & it's) been with me all along.

p.s. The same is true of YOU. Stick to what you know. Believe in what your heart tells you is right. And you too will yield abundance from the seeds you have planted. YOU WILL. Have faith.
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