I am posting a yellow picture to honour this week's prompt of "colour" over at Bella's 52 Photos Project, or "color" if you are American, ha ha! {It isn't too late to join in the fun. Simply pick up on the prompt for the week, and link your post each Wednesday. All are welcome!}
As a youth, I favoured black. Black was my colour. It was grounding, always fashionable, and well...comforting! Like a warm security blanket. If I strayed from the standard uniform of black it was to navy, charcoal or dark blue. But black was where it was at, baby.
Now, I look around at my world. The world I've created consciously...and it is vibrant and fertile with colour! Yellows, purples, reds. I've got the spectrum surrounding me at work, and at home in all the details. I am so not afraid of colour anymore. And it is so liberating!!
One colour I had years of struggle with...yellow. I could never fully accept yellow as though it were somehow flawed, or showed me to be well....weak. I saw yellow as weakness. I didn't like that. So I avoided it at all costs. In fact, I almost {I don't like saying this, but...} despised it.
I thank goodness for the wisdom, the maturity, and the acceptance of yellow. It is a joy to me now. I embrace it with love and compassion and empathy. My inner child leaps and dances with yellow! I am so thankful that it has joined my tribe of colour. Yellow, you had me at hello.
Now here is something I am offering as a "cherry on the cupcake" of this posting. The wisdom of my meditation circle friend...my blog friend...my "real life" friend...(the fleshy kind)...something she shared in our little group that made me pause to say YES.
Yes I will feed the good wolf.
Read on...
An Indian (First Nations!) was talking to his grandchildren.
He said: "In all the people living there are two wolves fighting.
One of them is evil. It is anger, fear, envy, jealousy, sadness, arrogance, self-pity, lies, superiority and ego.
The other is good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, benevolence, empathy, truth and trust ".
"Which wolf wins?" said the child.
"The one you feed, " said the old man.
{Just some food for thought. Enjoy the week! xo}
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