Illuminate the bronze hearted will that dwells!
Narcissus curving sunward weeping 'woe is me';
I am this, and I am that! so therefore we are separate! And I am THIS. Not you, who are just and only that.
Lightweight hear me thusly- There is nary a distinction; nought a surprisingly affordable affirmation of artistry.
Dancing deliciously onward I; snaking to and fro molecularly, secularly and infinite. 'til that karma burns its complex fuel to 'no-thing-ness' or we are born again of a thousand mothers.
Metal sews heat to snow yet as swallows fly close to the ever lapping shoreline; allow this and be totally free.
{You & I} will return here until our work is done; no attachments & no purveyors of sweatlodge visions shall gobble us up until we ourselves spiral into relic form on that one day.
~gillian da silva
Sunday lazy, Sunday. It started off with presence & it will end in presence to begin anew Monday. Seeking a ray of light to shoot will keep me occupied until Wednesday amidst appointments, children, working & cooking. Fruit is all consuming; pineapple is my best friend this week and I'm eating a lot of it. I love it's cleansing nature;;;makes the inner workings feel nurtured and cared for. Meditation tonight again after one in two minutes time; hope you understand the non-striving this brings me...wishing you all the same too. When you get to this place there is no real sense in looking back. How wonderful for me. {and YOU too}
OH yes, my photo was taken last night out of Diane's kitchen window right through the screen; cross processed to perfection...a dreamy night shot of magnolia petals and a birdbath that once stood in her mother's garden. You can tell I love the dark & romantic tones of this shot so much. :)