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April 10, 2011



You are such a natural poet my friend.

Sherry Smyth

I agree with Yoli!!!

And YES to natural light -- you were speaking my thoughts. I do see the need for a flash but I don't like the image with a flash -- I love what I get with natural light. Yesterday I took a photograph, simmilar to what you did with your jacket and scarf (which looks amazing by the way!) and that was natural light -- because it's what we live in -- natural light. I want to "feel" natural light.

And homework?? We'll have homework in meditation class?? Oh roll on Thursday!!! xoxox


"...a reality about the light of the world that I simply love."


Tara Bradford

Love your style, Gillybean. So sorry not to be in touch sooner. Totally immersed in bureaucracy of all sorts/doctor appts (finally a sports med specialist for my knee) and to the UK later this week. Will email soonest. Miss you! xoxox P.S. Have another post nearly ready to go about your Morocco jaunt; will post it next week.


Love your photo.
Natural light is best when possible.
Natural everything when possible!
big hugs


Love the natural light in photography. I always challenge myself to not use flash. Meditation and the light just seem to go together.

Ambika Suman

I love the sheer drama that natural light creates too! This is such a beautifully written post!

Preeti Shenoy

Loved the photo.
Loved the post!


You so clearly and beautifully paint this day for us...even in my slightly frenzied work day I've found a gentle, relaxing mood to settle slowly into...

even if for only a moment.


The Lady Prism

my favorite part:

"One must embrace oneself, despite what the world thinks...after all we are finite vessels. We must fruition through our hands and mouths the gifts we've been chosen to share with each other."

beautiful thought


I agree, 1000% :)

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