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April 25, 2011



I think I am going to write down in my journal that I wish I was there in your Spa chatting with you and listening to Yoshida Brother's Storm. It will hapeen.

Preeti Shenoy

What a super post! I too have a journal exactly like yours! (infact I have several) I too completely agree with attracting the things on wants!

It is so true what you say here!
I will be mentioning this post in my today's post.

I did draw a heart on my wrist today.


Sherry Smyth

I've been journalling off and on my whole life...there's a sense of pleasure and permanence about recording thoughts, feelings, joys, sorrows...and being able to express myself has often been a life saver.

And you're so right -- we are all artists and we are all creative...we think, therefore we can create! xo


Oh I wish I lived closer ~ I would so be at that art journaling workshop!!


There is great value in writing it down. Giving wings to your dreams. Awesome huh? Beautiful post
dearest Spa girl.


Truly inspiring!


Came here through Preeti"s blog and now I am hooked to your blog ! I too do my own version of journalling, tho I stick pics on a word documents online - a modern version of scrapbooking perhaps !! But I know what you mean - I look at my online journal everyday and visualize my dreams come true - its like turning images into reality !

Tara Bradford

Lovely inspiration, via your bright spirit and joie de vivre! xoxox

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