Do you write in a journal everyday? If not, you may want to start.
I write in my journals everyday! The subject matter isn't always epic, but it is the small details that make a life. So I record my stuff down daily, and with that I usually illustrate the few odd points that my visual mind thrives on. These personal & meaningful {not precise or perfect} ideas spring off the dusty shelves of my imagination especially if they've been sitting without attention for some time. They just need life themselves, these tiny *sprout-like* thoughts I have. Illustrations really give structure and shape to our thoughts. They must be included! I also be sure to include my hopes & dreams in there.
I think of it as a kind of spiritual practice; placing whatever it may be from thought to paper henceforth releasing the idea itself and giving it wings. It is interesting to go back, not in a few weeks or in a few months even...but years back to read what was going on then. You see the emergence of patterns, whereby YOUR thoughts become the things that are your life.
Six years before I opened my business, I drew a picture of a Balinese Buddha and above it the word "SPA". Underneath I wrote a blurb about how I would open up a spa to focus on personal wellness & the health of beauty. {This was five years before I trained to be an Esthetician.} I put it on my cork board in my office, surrounded it with magazine cutouts of beautiful images of fonts, colours, people...and just left it. {Cue the Incan pan pipes...! The magic began at that very moment. Like a magnet, the things I desired were made manifest in my existence. Wheels were turning, tides were ebbing & flowing and storms were brewing. All to make room in my life for the things I wanted.} What I never realized at the time was that in doing such a thing I had created an invitation for those particular things to come into my world. I had created a vision-board. YOU can do the same thing. It isn't for one person, all of us can do this!
If you had asked me back then what I was doing pasting all those images and words and ideas on my office wall, I couldn't have told you. I would have just thought I was making a pretty picture of an idea I had. But it drew into my life just what I had asked for, every minor detail was present in my current life. How it went from A to B is unknown. I couldn't have forseen all the changes and undercurrents that had to flow all around me in order for this to come to fruition. But that isn't my concern. The thoughts went out, the dream came about. Simple as that. I love this kind of magic, because it thrives and gleams around every corner, every facet of YOUR life too.
Journalling plays a huge role in dream creation. Because by writing daily what you end up creating is a daily vision board. Pages in the instruction manual of your life. Now instead of wondering what will happen to you, you can attract it in on a daily basis. Thereby consciously creating your entire life. So when you sit to put words on paper, choose your words with care and proper thought. Be sure to vent if you must but always always include on those pages what you do want. Because you will be sure to get it.
Basic ingredients for journalling;
Blank journal; lined or unlined {your preference}
Coloured markers
Black pens
Stamps, glitter, glue sticks, images you love, ideas from your heart
Go to town! Start today and see your dreams unfolding before your very eyes. You needn't write a novel either. If you have a sentence or two to illustrate then do that. If you have more to share then do that. It is open to your personal interpretation and there are absolutely no rules! You do not need to be a professionally trained artist. You were born an artist and your life is your work of art. This is merely an extention of that gift. This is like taking the steering wheel and driving as opposed to bobbing along the river and having no particular direction. This is your compass & your map to creating your destiny. It isn't art to sell. It isn't art for your walls. It is for YOU. It is a tool. You will love it. It will change your life! And like knowing the is free to use. It is something you can do to create beautiful and positive change.
Life will always be 20% circumstances and 80% how you react to those circumstances. It's time you took control of your circumstances. ;)
P.S. Calling all women in the GTA~! Our next Girls Night Out at the spa {yes, the spa of my dreams!} will be a creative journalling evening..."Drawing in your Desired Life"...sign up for our newsletter if you want to be part of this wonderful magic!
Date: May 26, 2011
Time: 6-9:30 pm
Your investment: Bring your willing heart & brilliant ideas for what you would like to draw into your life!
All the supplies you will need to get started with this project will be provided, we ask only that you sign up for a seat when you receive the newsletter. Come for a few hours to bond with like-minded women, enjoy some snacks & drinks, & leave with fresh tools to govern your own lives with! This first class is no cost. Subsequent classes will be charged a small fee to cover the cost of materials.
Looking so forward to creating some magic with you!
Last but certainly not least, today is Free Love Day. Draw a heart on your wrist to bring attention to depression and suicide issues. It is our responsibility to create a world where everyone feels welcome, and feels as though they matter. Join in the movement to better our planet. Help is available, just ask.
I think I am going to write down in my journal that I wish I was there in your Spa chatting with you and listening to Yoshida Brother's Storm. It will hapeen.
Posted by: Yoli | April 25, 2011 at 11:27 AM
What a super post! I too have a journal exactly like yours! (infact I have several) I too completely agree with attracting the things on wants!
It is so true what you say here!
I will be mentioning this post in my today's post.
I did draw a heart on my wrist today.
Posted by: Preeti Shenoy | April 25, 2011 at 12:43 PM
I've been journalling off and on my whole life...there's a sense of pleasure and permanence about recording thoughts, feelings, joys, sorrows...and being able to express myself has often been a life saver.
And you're so right -- we are all artists and we are all creative...we think, therefore we can create! xo
Posted by: Sherry Smyth | April 25, 2011 at 03:47 PM
Oh I wish I lived closer ~ I would so be at that art journaling workshop!!
Posted by: Swirly | April 25, 2011 at 09:27 PM
There is great value in writing it down. Giving wings to your dreams. Awesome huh? Beautiful post
dearest Spa girl.
Posted by: gemma | April 25, 2011 at 10:35 PM
Truly inspiring!
Posted by: Bindu | April 25, 2011 at 11:39 PM
Came here through Preeti"s blog and now I am hooked to your blog ! I too do my own version of journalling, tho I stick pics on a word documents online - a modern version of scrapbooking perhaps !! But I know what you mean - I look at my online journal everyday and visualize my dreams come true - its like turning images into reality !
Posted by: Ruchira | April 26, 2011 at 12:32 AM
Lovely inspiration, via your bright spirit and joie de vivre! xoxox
Posted by: Tara Bradford | April 27, 2011 at 08:33 AM