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March 01, 2011


Tara Bradford

Sounds like such fun! And with you at the helm, a wondrous adventure! xoxox


Don't leave without me!
I've been once and can't wait to go again.


wish I could.... maybe italy someday :)


This sounds like a spectacular trip! If only I could afford to travel all the time. One big adventure is my goal and it has already been sent and moving forward toward an April departure to Thailand.


gillian, we are heading to morocco the second week of september. my third visit but first in over 30 years. cannot wait.

A Fanciful Twist

OHHHH!! Dreamy! It is going to be such an adventure, wish I could go. One day I will get on a plane, maybe ;) I used to travel with my parents, so much. And then one day, simply stopped. But if I ever get my wings back, it's with you that I am makin' the trek with!! Love you Gilly!! ~ Vanessa


Good for you a tour leader.
What a fun and slightly mysterious adventure
that should be. Will go check the links.

Account Deleted

Sounds wonderful! Have nothing but fun!

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