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March 27, 2011


Lori Toal

Thank you Gillian for you kind words! It is a reminder to all of us that "Thoughts Become Things..." I am filled with Gradutude that my thought has manifested far beyond the type and into the physical connection our walks bring. Like the spring flowers unfolding I hope the Women Connected group will continued to blossom and be nurtured like mother nature tending to her garden by all participants....for ultimately this is what has made it so successful!

Tara Bradford

Sounds like a really lovely day! xoxox


Getting back into nature and shining! Yes!


Sounds like fun. I'll join in when it gets warmer..!
Hi Lori up there.
Gill's right, when are you going to blog..?

Sherry Smyth

Olivia exudes something calm, safe and peaceful for the birds to sit so quickly upon her hand. A rare gift. My this little one takes after her mama does she not?

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