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January 14, 2011


Steve Kubien

Naps are essential and your picture makes me want to dive into a fresh one right now!


I'm hearing the Twilight Zone theme playing in my head. LOL

I like this photo. I was just admiring it over on Flickr but hadn't noticed who I had clicked on. And now it's here. Surprise. :-)


hi, I started following you on Instagram and twitter, pieces of me Jen :)
I am in NY.
I totally adore your shots!


You too? That song plays often for me.

Thanks for the compliment!

Gillian daSilva

Hey Jen you found me! Thanks so much. I adore YOU! xo

Tara Bradford

Naps are wonderful - 20 min. tops for me, since college (when needed). That is an interesting convergence about you getting lost and being directed to the theatre by the Scientologists! :) Wish I could hop on a plane and meet you in New York this week! xoxox


Great story, and I love that google search ~ brilliant!


Love the magic and the naps here!


This post has me smiling. Yes, "unusual Earth magic" would make a good blog name or a book title. Start writing, Gillian! And next time you come to New York, let me know!!! I'd love to meet up with you for a coffee. I'll do that same the next time I come up to TO.

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Gillian da Silva


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