This gloomy and rainy morning I had a much needed massage on my shoulders, neck and back and I have to say that when those little knots of pain finally let go- psyche blissed out way beyond the borders of our atmosphere. Seriously. Massage fixes my broken body (by broken I mean arched over and twisted up from all the physical work I do) but more than that it makes me align once again to my happiness. It is worth it's weight in gold it really is.
Today is gloomy skies yet I feel surprisingly optimistic about a few things. One of them being that since writing for NaNoWriMo I've discovered the hidden joys of the craft, and am thrilled that I even attempted it. I won't finish on time now, I dove head-first into Christmas preparations like a five year old and the splendiferisness of it all made me take a few days off of writing which put me too far behind to catch up now. I will however finish, even if it takes me an extra thirty days, because I love my story and I love what it is doing for me. (Patching me up and healing me one little word at a time. Like the words themselves are platelets in the bloodstream of my consciousness.)
Tonight is chili in the slow cooker and perogies with cheese and onions. I'll also pick up some dill pickle chips as a conversation I had this morning will not let me get them out of my mind, I'm going to have to squash the craving! I'll fix some spicy hot cocoa (yet again) which seems to be pumping through my veins now and gets me through the darkest of days.
I'll nip out now to sneak a few more presents into the stash before I pick up my little ones. (The spirit of Christmas has taken me by the hand and we are dashing about like children together while I hang stars, string lights, alight the candles and squeal with delight whenever I find the perfect gift for a loved one. We bounce on the bed in the morning and then dash downstairs to light the tree and stare at our cupcake ornaments and peacock feathered green birds and sparkly tinsel too.) This feeling should be alotted to us all year!
So if you wake up in the morning and you see a gorgeous (if gloomy) rainy day staring you in the face like I did this morning, then just wear your happiest red shoes to go bouncing about your day in and all will be well. Just sayin. Now tell me, what are you doing to deck your halls or get in the mood for the holidays?