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September 22, 2010


Wayfaring Wanderer

Very cute! Such a touching little tale of travel woes.

I was just lamenting early this evening about my 30th coming up and how we always travel on our birthdays, but not this year. And this year, I want to do something big. But, no, I had to go to Hawaii last year! haha

Having something to look forward to is what keeps me going, hope you are able to get away!



Hmmmmm . . . somebody's got a strong "case" of wanderlust. Me, too, actually, but I think it shall have to wait until spring. Sigh. xoxo g


I always must have an adventure to look forward to. I think I would just shrivel up and die if I didn't. Just got back from a couple days adventure, it felt good. Now I must make plans for March.


one must get out, every once in a while ;) even suitcases too.

one love.


Your blog is so cute...love your sweetness. Off to peek around some more. Happy Friday. xoox


brilliant! i hope you do go on some adventures soon (and tell us all about it)!

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