Let me preface this post by telling you I just hit my right elbow on the corner of the refridgerator, and my funny bone reacted with an explosion of pain that was worthy of quite a few expletives. I still rub it now, it serves to remind me I'm not giving enough...why else would I have hit it?
The tree above reminds me of a tree in my dream about ten years ago. I was looking out of my (at the time) loft window, it was snowing gently, fully. Fat flakes. Coasting down. Softly white, under a bluish-grey night sky. I looked across the road, and a friend of mine in the loft across beckoned to me, to join her. She was having tea in her attic, and would I join her? Why of course, I replied, as I crawled out the window, onto the sturdy branch of an old tree in my front yard. I climbed through the tree effortlessly, and it wasn't until I got to her attic, that I realized I hadn't even left my own house...only my consciousness had gone across. I knew this because looking down at myself I had no form. But I still had vision, and speech, hearing. All those things. It was as real as if it really happened, and I sincerely think it did happen.
Trees hold miraculous powers, and so do dreams. I have a personal theory about them actually, I think dreamtime is our time of learning to focus our minds (or conscious selves), to get lucid, to get control. We upload and download during our "unexplainable by science" sleep time.
Funny how science fails to explain sleep. A seemingly most basic of necessities. We couldn't exist without sleep. Not for long anyway. So I ask you...is consciousness dependent on sleep for its own basic needs, much like our bodies depend on air to maintain our physicality? For ages we've been trying to explain the function of sleep for us to survive physically. Science can't explain it. They CAN'T. So, is sleep then for the soul?
Yes. Yes it is. :D
Okay, clearly I've had too much time to ponder this. A song, one I'll always love. It's me, my cigarettes, my red lipstick and my doc martens. I'm 14. I'm a dreamer. xoxo
p.s. by the way, I no longer smoke. It's no good for the soul! (One must remain clear.)
Hi Gillian,
I could not agree more that our dream time helps us work things out. My dreams also used to let me know and continually reinforced the necessity for retiring. My job interfered with restful sleep all the time; in fact for way too long. Now, with retirement, I sleep less and much better. Clearly, stress in one's daily life and disrupted sleep go hand in hand.
Posted by: AnnieElf | September 08, 2010 at 02:19 AM
In a dream last week, I found myself talking to a woman who was, to be honest, making me crazy. Scared, uptight, tense. I kept trying to ignore her and kept telling her to lighten up, and went about my dream business. The next day, I realized I was her, that I was both of us.
I want to move through your dream tree. That image fills my soul with smiles. Love much!!
Posted by: Debi | September 08, 2010 at 03:29 PM
My dreams often give me insight, direction or focus on some area that need attention. I never thought about the presence of trees and their meaning. Something to ponder.
Posted by: Paula | September 08, 2010 at 05:18 PM
What a special dream. Sometimes I dream alot and other times I don't remember any dreams. I have been dreaming alot of weird dreams lately, I think it indicates unrest in my soul or is it the weird book I was reading before I went to sleep? Not sure.
Posted by: Marilyn | September 08, 2010 at 07:35 PM
Great thoughts and post Gillian!
When I was little I wished there was a way to show a movie of a persons dreams on a tv or a movie screen.
Like you, I believe dreams are extremely symbolic. Each night we sleep and when we are unconscious we have no idea if we are dead or alive. This is important. Sleep and dreams offer us hope for life eternal. Pondering them is part of most of my mornings. I think they are a gift and if we choose to accept and listen we can learn many things. Trees are holy too. I became especially aware after my father died.
Recently I had a great dream. A few weeks later I painted it, then I photoshoped it. THAT blew my mind. It was so real. It was so great.
Last night I dreamed of 3 woman from Morocco who had dark faces and were dressed in colorful turbans. It was part of a larger dream that I liked very much.
HUGs to YOU1
Posted by: Rochambeau | September 08, 2010 at 09:20 PM
Thanks all for commenting. I should have known I wasn't alone here.
Three is a wonderful number Constance, those three turbaned ladies in Morocco were likely your guides. We all have them. Some call them guardians. You are blessed to have met them in dreamstate, you must have really needed them. They usually show up when we are in turmoil.
Lucky you to have tapped in to your divinity like that.
For me, the willow is one that I can't pass by without touching the branches...I get little electrical impulses from them. It is the most wonderful connection I have to nature. I nurture it! :D Get it? Nature vs. Nurture....ha ha!!!
Love to all. Keep dreaming. xoxo
Posted by: Gillian daSilva | September 08, 2010 at 11:12 PM
You are so busted with the cigars and the shisha! But I digress...I always watch myself in my dreams like I am watching a movie, they are never first-person...I wonder what that means? Trees and plants are alive, we forget that sometimes, they have lives just like we do, I think that's why they speak (to some of us).
Posted by: Donna | September 09, 2010 at 01:17 AM
I love these windy, trying to escape balloons that start off the video. They make me smile.
Posted by: Relyn | September 09, 2010 at 07:59 AM