A flower in Jordan, for my friend in Paris. Happy birthday, feliz cumpleanos, ana bahebik and feliz aniversario to Tara; adventurer, writer, photographer and friend based currently in Paris and soon to be Amsterdam!
Tara is a truly gifted writer and photographer, world wide traveller, life adventurer and trip facilitator. {Of course that is only the tip of the iceberg.} I was fortunate to have had the pleasure of meeting her online in 2006. Then in New York City in 2008. Then again in Jordan in 2010. Where we meet next is anyone's guess but we will, that is for certain. There are talks of trains, films and Delhi....
Happy birthday Tara, may there be many fun filled trips, many happy returns, beautiful soulful images captured on your many cameras and many wishes come true for you today! Much love to you today and always. xoxo
gillian: i am taking a sentimental journey today visiting all my old blogging friends..what an unreliable blogging friend i have been...how i miss you and the old days of blogging and connecting almost every day...i hope you have had blissful moments and peaceful journeys since my last visit.... i promise to return more often...
Posted by: Cre8tiva.blogspot.com | September 10, 2010 at 10:12 AM
Oh, wow! What a fantastic surprise! As though your friendship isn't gift enough...Really, you spoil me, my dear, dear friend. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I look forward to our next wandering adventure! xoxox
Posted by: Tara Bradford | September 10, 2010 at 05:55 PM
You are a dear friend...have just been over to wish Tara happy birthday greetings.
Posted by: Stephanie | September 10, 2010 at 07:14 PM
Tara is deserving of each of your wishes today. Beautiful picture from Jordan.
Posted by: Marilyn | September 10, 2010 at 10:44 PM