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August 14, 2010


Lisa Swifka

I know people like that and I always think it must come from a place of insecurity.
I devoured Eat, Pray, Love the book when it came out....loved it, treasured it. Yesterday I saw the movie and feel it was a really well done representation of the book. In fact Liz Gilbert felt it too much to the happiness/relief of the director. When it comes out in DVD I will own it!
Oh and I want the clothes she wears and bags she carries in the movie...heehee!


I want to see this movie soon. Loved the book.


Those moments of a shared truth beneath the lie are pretty amazing--uncomfortable, sometimes awful, but revealing and important. You are so right, Gillian, to just give that person more love. xoxo g


I agree that embracing them with love is the best thing to do. Compassion and love. Nothing else really matters.

The Lady Prism

*That was a wonderful healing thing for you to do, Gillian. You're a priestess of love! ~_~

Tara Bradford

You are an angel. xoxox


You are wise ~ WISE ~ and an inspiration in the most profound way.

doorways traveler

what a bright beam of lightness and truth you are. so grateful for your insight and reminders.

much love.

(i enjoyed the film!)


Ahh..It's being conscious enough in that moment to recognize the weakness in the other person and choose the love! I always seem to become aware of it after the fact and have to challenge myself to be "awake" enough to choose love IN THE MOMENT next time...it's a journey for me. You're a wise and generous soul.

I'm going to see the movie with dear sweet Jenny...too bad it couldn't be a trio affair :)

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