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July 24, 2010


Tara Bradford

Bubbles and tarot! Sounds like such fun! And the clothes swap is a terrific idea. Your time at the cabin on the lake must be wonderful - I miss seeing the stars in all their glory (too much pollution in Paris to see many). Miss you! Will try to catch up by phone next week, before we're off to Amsterdam. xoxox

The Lady Prism

I'm envious! Seriously, I am!
That is just too much fun! Straw hats, candles..magic bubbles..tarot cards! Wow....

I love this post because, you've made me think about certain things in my life that I should change...

thinking deeply...


Your party sounds like a total delight. What fun!
Off to the beach, oh how I would love that. Have fun!

Tanya @ Life in 3D

Your words paint a picture that makes me want to jump right into the post...love it! hugs&kisses and stars&moonlight for you dear one :)


yes, great idea! Not that I ever need an excuse to throw a party.

have a lovely! time at the lake...

happies of summer wishes to you


Samosas For One

Will you invite me next time you have one of these parties? I want to come!

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