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May 25, 2010



This sounds like a book I would like to read!


I love this post.


Oh, that beautiful egg. You are so right, Gillian. Life is fleeting, indeed.

I love your summer blog look--white linen simplicity. Sometimes that's just what we need.

Sending you hugs. Can't wait to see what you paint! xoxo g


Gorgeous colour!

Gillian daSilva

oh it is!!! it is VISUAL too, full of lovely images and thoughts xo

Kim Mailhot

Love the summer clean look. Like a deep breath visiting here.And always, beauty to witness.
Thanks for capturing it and sharing it.
Big Love !

Tara is back from London and exhausted

I quite like the white linen dress. As for Christine, she is a Wonder Woman(with the bracelet to prove it) and her art is always inspiring. xoxox


I have the biggest smile on my face...wow. I love that I have been getting to know you better as well through your beautiful words, musings and explorations on this blog. I LOVE the new look! Is that font called Fred? One of my favorites. :) I love and adore you, and love that you took good care of that little blue egg.

Gillian daSilva

oh yes, the bracelet :D
what a find!

Gillian daSilva

Not sure what that font is called...but I love it's character and refinement. It is a typekit font :D and I'm so glad you can see it. The default is set to a regular one with less pizzazz...those who cannot view this one get the other unfortunately!
Adoration right back at you. Going to bed with your book right now in fact. Thank you for writing it. ;D xo


I love your new summer look. Very clean and cool, like a white linen tablecloth.

Kate Robertson


Love the new look, and the picture. I always wondered if I would like that book. I don't know anyone who has it so its nice to hear your report about it.


Preeti Shenoy

Oh WOW!!
So well captured. Beautiful Gillian!

Life is indeed fleeting.

and I don't like the very very plain look to be very very honest :P :)

But hey--your posts more than compensate for white linen :)


Gillian daSilva

lol :)
thanks preets!


How I LOVE the idea of spring cleaning the blog. It does look fresh and lovely and your photos sizzle on the page.

Do you know someone who can come clean my windows so that I can look out on our fresh green earth :)


Account Deleted

Why didn't you return the egg to the nest? We did, and the mother did not have a problem. Ours was a mockingbird's egg.

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