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March 21, 2010



Sounds like a perfect Sunday!

Tara Bradford

What a lovely day! Have been cleaning the glass beads and the hanging "bubbles" from the glass factory; sorting through a million photos and clearing some clutter in prep for Amsterdam. xoxox


Great capture of a nice sunny day. Welcome Spring, I say. Bring out the sandals.

I'm doing some spring cleaning myself.

Thinking of you. One love.


Right now I am enjoying some of the coffee I bought in Jordan, pondering a morning I spent riding my bicycle up and down a road near our neighborhood that was the route for the last four miles of the LA Marathon - so inspiring!

Account Deleted

your trip seems perfect
do look how that red saddle POPS out
in your photo!

{{ well,
maybe that is my newly~improved vision
showing }}


i have one
of the Du Buh Du Designs art prints
hanging in my little library/study
right now
and i Love her

Angie Muresan

Oh that photo is absolutely timeless, Gillian. And your list of things to do perfect for the first Sunday of spring. Have a beautiful week!

pam aries

Bonjour.. Such a sweet Sunday you savored.. I am in love with that photo of the horse. Fanatastic shot, my friend. Gillian, thank you s o much for all your words of encouragemet...it means a lot coming from you. Peace and LoVe

susanna's sketchbook

This is a lovely post, Gillian. Visual dreams are the best, aren't they? I'm curious to know what your dreams are so please post them, when or if you remember them.

Everything on your list is good...Christine is oh so talented, isn't she? And homemade vegetable soup...perfect for a cool day. And scenting the air with fragrance oils...that's a great idea...I'm going to borrow that one. And I want to see your shadow box with all those wonderful finds inside! And don't you wish Sade would make even more music. She's so good.

susanna's sketchbook

PS: Is that a DOOR in the rock? If so, WHERE does it go??? SO mysterious...

Gillian daSilva

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Yes! A door! In the rock! There are doors
into rocks and caves all over Jordan.
They are dwellings and little spaces J


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Gillian da Silva


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