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February 07, 2010


pam aries

I loved the movie ! din't think I would because I a m not that kind of Romantic...but it was fab. Now I want to watch it again. Your lovely tea looks inviting!


Gotta love all the sunshine this weekend! A cup of tea, banana bread baking and sunshine streaming through the windows! Love it! And you! You make me smile big!! I didn't make banana bread but I have had chilli simmering on the stove all day. Garlic bread will join it soon. Thought about making some biscotti, but was drawn to my favourite reading spot, enjoying the sunshine and the quiet. What a beautiful, relaxing weekend!! Cheers, Gillian! Time for some wine now!


Hellooooo Lovely,
Thanks for the Cuppa!
Love the photo of you with your magic wand!
That's great! So YOU!
Hope all is well!


...such a beautiful photo...
and i haven't seen that movie yet, guess i should!
enjoying your blog...


beautiful photo and post as always...I loved that movie as well...I always watch my favourite movies over and over again...watched "Cairo Time" for the 2nd time , curled up with knitting in my hands, after a cold walk in the brilliant sunshine.

Gillian daSilva

I could watch "Cairo Time" ten times. It was a beautiful movie!


As always, your posts ooze with love.
Thank you!
Love you!


Wishing you contentment, too, and love, and peace, and splashes of joy to boot!

That tea looks and sounds just perfect. xoxo G

Ria Rosa

Found your blog through fanciful twist =)

I love that movie, although mostly because of the eye candy. It still bugs me a little how inaccurate it is though, but hey, that's entertainment.

I wish my Sunday was as sunny. Yesterday rained nonstop here in Sydney -__-

I love tea. I have a collection of teacups and tealeaves in the kitchen. I'm not weird, I swear XD


So pretty and fresh looking here! Oh that movie, yes...a party with girlfriends trying on those SHOES!!

sounds like the loveliest of weekends was spent here.



That photograph instantly relaxed me. Thank you.
Haven't seen the movie yet...thanks for the tip, I'll bring it along to the next weekly chill-afternoon my girlfriend and I have.
xo country girl


Ah, Sundays...the sweetest day of the week! :o) I've been drinking a new tea that is composed of green tea leaves and rose petals--it is gorgeous and fragrant! Happy new week ahead, Gillian ((HUGS))

Graciel @ Evenstar Art

Checking in, Dear Gillian, after an unintentional absence from your dreaming press. Catching up here has been the best way to start my week. You are wisdom and love and pretty square pictures. Come springtime, I will need to drink tea with you, surrounded by flowers near the Lake. Yes? We have many romantic things to discuss. :)

xo, Graciel

Account Deleted

i think your ~~magic wand~~
brought me over here
i sit and drink my own tea!


{{ mine does not look
as pretty as Yours
but is is warm and in my happy cup ♥♥♥ }}


A perfect cup of tea is like taking a mini vacation. Thanks for visiting me. Yes, it can be enough.

Angie Muresan

That movie is so very beautiful. They didn't really eat all those gorgeous cakes, you know? They just nibbled. And that photo is so lovely.

The Lady Prism

No I haven't really watched it. BUT, tonight, after dinner, when everything is quiet and settled....I shall! Of course, this means I will be dreaming off to a wonderland of gardens and opulence..but why not?

I very much enjoyed my time reading here! :D


Hey, I found you again! I like the look of this new blog, Gillian. It's fresh! It's pretty!

Yes, sharing dinner with good friends is such a treat. Sometimes we just NEED to do that, don't we? And pad thai and good wine...mmm... And yes, Sophia Coppola's Marie Antoinette was a visual delight. I love the scene of the royal party-goers in the field at dawn. It was so beautiful. And the soundtrack was good, too.

Gillian daSilva

Wow, yes that scene, fantastic. I loved Jason Schwartzman in the role of Louis too, perfection. The entire thing is a treat. I could watch it a thousand times. xoxo (Thanks for finding me!)

Gillian daSilva

But of course, dear G. We will have to have tea by the Lake. Lets nip into some antique shops this time!! xoxo

Gillian daSilva

Me too! Japanese Cherry Green tea...it is super good. Not bitter like some green teas can be. xoxo


Thanks for the recommendation! I haven't watched it - I'll add it to my list.

Tara Bradford

I love that film too. But Marie-Antoinette never once said "let them eat cake." That was a lie spread by court gossip. Thanks for the tea and the lovely nod to my post. You're the best! Can't wait to see you soon! xoxox

Dinners & Dreams

I love the cup, the colors and the whole arrangement. Lovely!


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