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February 21, 2010



Sun drenched, this photograph looks drenched in colour...and bliss!!

pam aries

Hapy Sunny Sunday..Dear ..filled with lots O' gold !!!


I like that photo. It does look like fun. Would you believe that I have bubbles in my washroom cabinet. I blow bubbles for the family pet members and they jump for them. Teehee. have a great week.


Olivia is beautiful!!!
and that banana bread sounds amazing.


LOVE this photo, Gillian...is speaks of HAPPY! Your weekend sounded so sweet--especially that banana bread with choc chips--YUM! We were snowed in this weekend...and much good eating and fun going on. I love weekends! Happy new week ahead... :o) ((HUGS))

soeurs du jour

i'm hooked. watched the trailer and now i am hooked.


I am anxiously awaiting news and glimpses of your most marvelous trip to Jordan. Be safe, be open, be amazed. We'll have plenty to discuss this spring.

Sending love for your great adventure!

xo, Graciel


Happy HAPPY for your sun soaked weekend and thoughts of spring cleaning!!

Sun out today here too..yay!


How I loved this movie...just wonderful



beautiful portrait, love the filter.


You must be having such fun with colors.
Great photo of O. Was that movie any good?


Your photograph looks like it came from an old family movie. You know, when family videos were shot on super 8. Cool!

Tara Bradford

Lovely image of the beautiful Olivia! Sounds like you had a good day. xoxox


Love the photo. The sunshine is so special when it comes during the winter months. Isn't Robin's blog special? I would like to meet her, as she doesn't live far from me.

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Gillian da Silva


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