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August 05, 2009



Yes! I am thrilled when I walk into a stationery
store. Love all writing utensils and can be very
stingy with my favorite pens.
I'll find almost any excuse to buy a notebook or
a blank journal.


do u think in advance which photos to click? thats a new thing for me :) tell me in a bit more detail about your photography process please

Paris Parfait

I have seen the Dead Sea Scrolls in Jordan - so astonishing! Lucky you to have them in Toronto. As for pens, paper, notebooks, journals, sealing wax, etc. - love them all! xoxox

Paris Parfait

P.S. Great photo! xo


I say yes to all those things too:)
Wonderful picture.


Oh, G. We are so much alike. It's true. Do you know how much I really, really love that someone would take the time to write well about where the #2 in #2 pencils came from? And? That you would discover and share it.


oh oh oh me too....my heart quickens when I am in a stationery store...my newest purchase was a set of Sharpie coloured pens...oh they are so much fun.

Gillian daSilva

Me too! Do you just love Paperblanks? Their journals are works of art!!!

Gillian daSilva

I have NO PROCESS. I fly by the seat of my pants. I jot down ideas. I use a short depth of field usually because I like blur. I like crispness. Colour. Light.
The rest is luck, or not, depending how you see it.

Gillian daSilva

Thank you beautiful! I thought of you when I took it, madly journaling and scribbling away in your notebooks...! xoxo

Gillian daSilva

Thank you Shelagh. I take that as a high honour, as I LOVE your pics too. xo

Gillian daSilva

Only a teacher like yourself would appreciate that, Relyn. I think we ARE a lot alike. I read recently that you have a wicked sense of humour. I think if you put us together, we'd need to pause between bouts of sheer hilarious laughter to get any serious photography done!
(I'm a wise crackin fool.)

Gillian daSilva

Sharpies and me, we're like this! (fingers entwined).
xoxo :)


I know, I know- the feel of paper, a fresh book of stamps. I can almost smell those fresh erasers. Nah git me started on da scotch tape. Eh naw!

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