Photograph by Gillian da Silva; Winged Messenger art piece by Susanna Gordon, of Susanna's Sketchbook
Last night, under the tremendous pressure it is some days to just be human, my mum and I played hooky, we headed to a beach in Toronto to take photographs. The winged messenger you see above will be photographed by me and given to Susanna, for her Winged Messenger project. These have been sent out to various locations around the globe to be photographed, isn't it the most beautiful idea? Visit Susanna to know more about this amazing project.
Shortly after the picture taking, we headed for home and then made the decision to stop and catch this film. We were glad we did. There is some drastic contrast in this movie, with a persistent underlying core of LOVE. Well worth seeing, it is quite the ride. It made me think a lot most great films do. Although it wasn't the theme of the movie, the ever-present trains in India made me ponder.
I thought of my life as a train ride...the wheels clicking on the track in a forward dynamic rhythm, the unknown destination looming sometimes scarily in front of me, the scenery beautiful and ever changing, and my fellow passengers coming, going, changing cars. We are all on this train ride together. We occasionally get off at various station stops to do necessary tasks, or sight see, or experience our own contrasts.
If you have noticed lately, you don't seem to have a handle on things (I know I don't). Things are rather chaotic. The Universe is reminding us that we do not ultimately control it. We manifest, yes. We create, yes. But control, no. Never. So with that in mind, lets just sit back in our dining cars, while the scenery hums by, the tea glasses tink, and the book's pages turn. Our destination will come soon enough, and it is up to us to make the best of the train ride until then. Help your fellow passengers. Love them, even if sometimes you dislike them. Hold on, when the tracks feel uneven or bumpy. Don't forget your manners, lest you should bump into somone while changing cars. Common courtesies go a long way in this world. Kindnesses cost nothing and are worth everything.
The winner for our poetry challenge a few Sunday's ago is Pam Aries, in Portland, Oregon. Pammy, you must email me your address, I've changed your prize. It is at the printers currently, and will be mailed out tomorrow when I pick it up from him. Prepare to be surprised! Thanks to all of you who played our super fun poetry challenge! Everyone came up with something wonderful.
(I'm doing another one next post, if you would like to play again!)
Love your photography and words.
Posted by: marilyn | March 03, 2009 at 12:55 PM
Remember.. it's about the journey, not the destination....
Beautifully written....
Posted by: MiddleAgedWomanBlogging | March 03, 2009 at 01:03 PM
Lovely winged messenger!
Slumdog was wonderful. I had no idea what to expect when I saw it a few months ago. Was completely absorbed. My daughter downloaded the soundtrack!
Happy week to you!
Cheers, Shelagh
Posted by: Shelagh | March 03, 2009 at 01:53 PM
Such a beautiful post my friend. I am here crying like a fool.
Posted by: Yoli | March 03, 2009 at 02:00 PM
yes, i loved that movie and that photo is so gorgeous ... sigh
Posted by: daisies | March 03, 2009 at 02:07 PM
WOOO! I won..?!! You like me like me!!! you really like me! Gotta love Sally Fields. THank you..i'll email you . Whee! I am rich!
Posted by: pam aries | March 03, 2009 at 02:34 PM
Since my mother doesn't play hookey, I plan to kidnap her when Pedro Almodóvar's next film comes out and have her spend the afternoon with me on South Beach. You've inspired me.
The Winged Messenger piece is awesome. I love the quote!
Btw, this train post is beautifully written. The journey isn't long...we should make the most of it and enjoy each other's company providing comfort and support whenever needed. I'm with you, Chica! ;)
Posted by: Scarlet | March 03, 2009 at 04:25 PM
I just love the wingednesssss!! And traveling to many destinations, wonderful!!
AS for life and trains, and slum dog millionaire...
Yes we are so out of control. And sometimes, we can't even begin to grasp the lack of control we have - until something happens that shows us...
You are a beautiful soul!!
All my love!! xoxo, V
Posted by: A Fanciful Twist | March 03, 2009 at 10:15 PM
I positively love these winged messengers. Bliss! I can't help but read your words again, they just welcome me in.
Posted by: Christina | March 03, 2009 at 11:47 PM
Aloha Gill.
When I first saw the picture, the song.
"On the wings of love
Up and above the clouds
The only way to fly
Is on the wings of love
On the wings of love
Only the two of us
Together flying high
Flying high
Upon the wings of love"
It's a song by Jeffery Osbourne.
The song has always lifted my spirit when I'm feeling a little blue or like now..under the weather..
It's a beautiful photo with a gorgous sentiment..
peace, kai
Posted by: kaiblue | March 04, 2009 at 09:18 AM
Blessed Be to this tender hearted, wisdom filled post. Muah to you dearest!
Posted by: Account Deleted | March 04, 2009 at 08:00 PM
I adore Susannah's project and the fact that you and your mom went to the beach (in the freezing cold) to take photos! Isn't that film wonderful? As for the train ride analogy, I've always loved trains - that's one of the best things about living in Europe! Come to Paris and we'll take a train to London. Or come to London and we'll take a train to Paris. Or Madrid. Or Bonn. Or Amsterdam. Anywhere you like! And you're so right about the control thing - not working - have to be ready for anything! Love to you! xoxox
Posted by: Tara Bradford | March 05, 2009 at 03:56 AM
This blog is a creative haven. Enjoyed catching up on your recent posts.
Posted by: david mcmahon | March 05, 2009 at 08:52 PM
Oh my gosh, Gillian! I just arrived this evening and discovered the photo of the wings and read your beautifully-written post. Thank you, you have me smiling tonight. *smile*
I also like your analogy of life and train rides and how when Life seems out of our hands, we need to relax, make the best of it, and remember to be kind to everyone around us. When my husband and I were living in different countries (Canada/US), I would catch a train once a month to visit him. Over eight hours (sometime 12 hours!), the train would meander through the countryside and through old towns with abandoned farmhouses, even abandoned mansions, and it was like getting a history lesson in what life was like before planes and superhighways. Once, in the middle of nowhere, we passed a man sitting on the top of a boulder playing his guitar and singing at the top of his lungs. We were in the middle of nowhere being serenaded by a stranger! Amazing.
Posted by: susanna | March 05, 2009 at 09:20 PM
Hi Gill,
So happy that Susanna's Winged messanger gave you and your mum the "green light" to let go for a few hours and have an adventure!
The Movie Slumdog, I have not seen yet, but will soon and look forward to it (also with my mom).
The chaos you speak of, do you think it is particular to now, or do you think it has always been & will always be?
It brightened my day that you dropped by.
you are a jewel!!
Posted by: Rochambeau | March 05, 2009 at 10:06 PM
HI sweetie Constance;
About the is a now thing. Just a phase. But we are all in a state
of upheaval and change.
It is my thought that there is a test happening at the moment.
Gee I hope I pass!!! ;)
(I know you will.)
Posted by: Gillian daSilva | March 05, 2009 at 10:29 PM
A train ride through that type of terrain, with old homes and buildings that were once loved sitting idly by...oh how picture perfect.
Your description of the man singing with the guitar almost gives me chills, as I think of him as a in the Polar Express...the man on top of the train.
Maybe your serenader was....of another plane?
Posted by: Gillian daSilva | March 05, 2009 at 11:21 PM
The film was wonderful, love conquers all. But the slums saddened me, how children are exploited and used.
Oh I'd love to take a train anywhere with you...I have a feeling we'd be laughing and having a grand time. London to Paris sounds great.
Posted by: Gillian daSilva | March 05, 2009 at 11:23 PM
Thanks David.
I ebb and flow. When I'm here I'M HERE and when I'm not
Posted by: Gillian daSilva | March 05, 2009 at 11:23 PM
I am pleased to share my humble brain thinkings with you dearest.
Posted by: Gillian daSilva | March 05, 2009 at 11:24 PM
I'm singing it right now...and as soon as I read it I knew...and began the song.
All I need is a polyester leisure suit and a big ass brandy glass for the top of my piano.
lounge-lizard style!
Posted by: Gillian daSilva | March 05, 2009 at 11:26 PM
Thank you flatter me too much lady! xo
Posted by: Gillian daSilva | March 05, 2009 at 11:26 PM
Hey V,
Remember I tried the Sticky Lemon Chicken?
Too good! I had the leftovers in a wrap today for lunch...OH dear I think we've found a winner!!!
Tonight was a humble yet delicious casserole featuring ground lean angus and macaroni al dente. So fabulous.
YOU are a beautiful soul!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Gillian daSilva | March 05, 2009 at 11:28 PM
My mum wrote the guide to playing HOoky!
Hooky for Dummies!!! LOL
Yes, enjoying each other and helping, serving...what else is there.
Don't you notice when you are helping others and DOING for others and making sure OTHERS are great...
Sometimes I feel like I'm getting the better deal.
Posted by: Gillian daSilva | March 05, 2009 at 11:30 PM
Yes Pammellaallaaaa
YOu are rich.
And yes, like you, heck, you are so liked it is ridiculous.
Posted by: Gillian daSilva | March 05, 2009 at 11:31 PM
thanks Daisies...glad you like the photo. Minus twelve degrees. Thank goodness the cold spell is over.
Posted by: Gillian daSilva | March 05, 2009 at 11:32 PM
You are so empathetic. How can a girl skilled at epee and other fencing tricks be as sensitive as you?
Posted by: Gillian daSilva | March 05, 2009 at 11:33 PM
The soundtrack!!! Of course!!! Guess what I'm downloading tomorrow.
I loved the dance number at the end. I wanted to get up and join them.
Posted by: Gillian daSilva | March 05, 2009 at 11:34 PM
That's right. Along the way we'll need some Pocknis up for the task?
Posted by: Gillian daSilva | March 05, 2009 at 11:34 PM
...and I love your Chai Applebutter. At least I think I do.
Looking forward to the two jars that are winging their way here..I'm grinning just thinking about it!
Thanks too, btw.
Posted by: Gillian daSilva | March 05, 2009 at 11:36 PM
What a creative and great post Gillian. Thank you.
Posted by: BrittArnhild | March 06, 2009 at 02:14 AM
Gorgeous photography!
Posted by: Ashwathy Nair | March 06, 2009 at 05:20 AM
Hi Friend,
May we all become free,
may our hearts remain open,
may we be healed!
Lots of love,
ps Gill,
Is this a trackback?
If so can you tell me what to look up in typepad to make responses like you and Tara.
I CAN't figure it out!!!
Posted by: Rochambeau | March 06, 2009 at 09:10 AM
HI LOvely!! Oh we feel the exact same about the lemon chicken!!!! I LOVE
it the day after!!!
I am going to try more of those recipes.... I will let you know!!
Vanessa Valencia {A Fanciful Twist}
Website: _VanessaValencia.Com_ (
Blog: _A Fanciful Twist {Through the Secret Keyhole}
In a message dated 3/5/2009 9:28:25 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time,
Posted by: A Fanciful Twist | March 06, 2009 at 07:26 PM
I would love if Susanna would do a book of all the winged messengers in all their glory.
Slumdog was a hard one for me...I would not call it a love story but a survival story, I love how all his life experiences fed into the game. Did you see the cast at the Academy Awards? All the wonderful!
Posted by: stephanie | March 07, 2009 at 10:36 AM
Kindnesses costs nothing and are worth everything. So, so true. I teach second grade and have noticed that more and more, our students do not practice even the most basic of common courtesies. I'm afraid those courtesies are no longer common. To help remedy this I teach an etiquette lesson each week. It's only about 20 minutes a week, but you know, they look forward to it all week long.
The first thing I teach them is how to look people in the eye and why they should. The second lesson is how to shake hands. The third is how to introduce yourself. We combine all three lessons as we practice. There are so many thing parents seem to think their children will learn by osmosis. Not so. We must teach them. By example and explicitly.
Ok. I've gone off on a tangent. You've touched on a passion of mine - teaching. I'll stop now. Happy Sunday.
Posted by: Relyn | March 08, 2009 at 09:52 AM