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December 17, 2008



Aloha Blue,
I adore *O Holy night* it's my favorite hymn, evvvah!!!
I think my favorite rendition of it is Renee Flemming's version, and Uncle Willie K.'s *Hawaiian* version..

Blessings and peace to you and your family.
Peace, Kai

soeurs du jour

Oh Gillian, this is amazing!
thank you

Tara Bradford

Gorgeous photo, dahling! I posted some NYC photos today, but still haven't written about our trip, as I've been feeling so awful. Finally got antibiotics last night, so hopefully will snap out of this flu/sinus infection soon. Miss you! xoxox


Gillian this is stunning. I love O Night Divine. This is the feeling we must all keep in our hearts during the holidays. Stay close to those you love and stay in the moment, be present.

Mary T.

Wonderful post, Blue, Gill and any other alias you may have. Got a sweet card from your mom and dad. Praying for them a lot. Wishing all is well with you and the girls and the big guy. It is a beautiful hymn!

Gillian daSilva

Yes mine too. Hence the title to my post. I adore that song! It too, is my fave. Thank you for your Christmas card, so funkilicious!!! xoxo

Gillian daSilva

Thanks Kath. Just a little editing. The original is a neat shot too. But I was making an artistic statement here (wink!)

Gillian daSilva

Thank you Tara. I love your pics. I am not sure but this longing for NYC is still here. It isn't going away. I love that place.
Meeting you was so lovely too, how can I possibly go back there alone next time?
You must go again! Spring!

Gillian daSilva

I call it O Night Divine too but I think it's really called something else. Who cares? It is the greatest Christmas song in the Universe. It inspires one to be more angelic. ;)
Happy Hols to you Yoli, may your little ones be spoiled rotten by Santa!!!

Gillian daSilva

I'm not sporting many aliases these days. Blue or Gill is it.
Dad is getting ready for his treatments, then another surgery.
We are all soooo hopeful this will pass and leave us to get on with our lives. We are worried sick about him. Thank you so much for the prayers.

devil mood

Wonderful photo!


Gillian, To you and your family - Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! xoxo


A world of love
to you and yours my friend,

Merry Christmas, Maithri


Many years ago as a young girl...I found refuge in St. Patricks Cathedral.:-)

pam aries

You are the light...a very abundant ray of light! Merrrrrrryyyy Christmas.!!! Where is Gawpo?


I hope your Yuletide celebrations are joyous and may you have an Happy New Year, Gillian!!

The Lady Prism

Thank you very much for being a part of my blogging life. Your articles and pictures have so many times lifted me out of the gloom, and at many times have given me a new perspective about things.

I specially cherish that post you wrote about your darling sweetheart and how you have been together through all these years. True love is always such a potent read.

You are magic!

Merry Christmas, Gillian!

Much love to you :)

Pethra på Inredningsbloggen

What a beautiful picture. Dropping in to wish you a merry christmas. Yes, we are looking for the light and it is comforting to know that the light shines in the darkness, the light is always stronger. Warm christmashugs from Sweden. GOD JUL!

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